Why Do Window Wells Flood?

Basement windows encounter a particularly unique set of challenges when the rainy season comes. Most of these openings are at ground level, making them more prone to water entering through the frames, flooding the basement and possibly displacing some of the soil around your foundation piering. Window wells are an effective solution to prevent rainwater from leaking into the basement but there are a few common issues that homeowners face when using window wells.

Read on as Stratum Structural Systems explains some of these problems and what you can do to resolve them.

Window Well Installation

Your window wells and egress windows are only as good as their installation. When window wells are not properly installed, they can do more harm than good. This problem must be addressed right at the beginning. Trust only experienced professionals like us to handle all your basement waterproofing and window well installation to prevent issues arising from poor workmanship.

Protecting the Gravel Layer

Window wells use a layer of gravel and soil to help maintain their water-resistance. Improper sizing can cause excess water to erode this protective layer and cause leaks in your basement. Check the window well for any contamination. This might be dirt or debris that has been washed off into the well by heavy rainfall. For major problems, it’s best to call the professionals immediately to prevent worse problems from occurring.

Proper Drainage Systems

A good window well should act as a conduit for flowing water and not as a holding area. This means you want water to flow through the well instead of staying there indefinitely. This is accomplished with a properly sized drainage system that is connected to a proper drainage site. Routine maintenance of your foundations should include a thorough inspection of the drainage pipes for optimum performance.

At Stratum Structural Systems, we are your trusted local provider of basement and brick foundation repair services. Call us today at (314) 669-3030 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a home inspection and get a free estimate today.

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